Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada
Who We Are
ITCN is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and governing body of the 28 Tribal Nations throughout the state of Nevada…
ITCN provides resources, support and services to 28 tribal communities throughout the state of Nevada
Women, Infant & Children
ITCN WIC provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for qualified pregnant, breastfeeding/non-breastfeeding postpartum women and to
infants and children up to age 5.
Child Care Development Fund
ITCN CCDF provides child care payment assistance and encourages and promotes safe, healthy, nurturing, and high-quality early learning environments for AI/AN children. ITCN CCDF currently provides support, resources and assistance to 14 of Nevada’s tribes and urban areas, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City and Las Vegas.
Head Start
ITCN Head Start program includes free nutritious meals; vision hearing, physical dental and nutritional assessments; mental health and other services for children and families with disabilities. At its core, Head Start provides all children with kindergarten readiness skills.
Family Violence Prevention
ITCN FVPP provides assistance to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, child abuse, and dating violence. Services and resources include; emergency shelter, food, clothing, transportation, legal assistance, and assistance with completing applications for services.
Native Workforce Development
The ITCN Native Workforce Development Program (NWD) is federally funded on a four-year cycle. The purpose of the program is to support employment and training for Native Americans to: develop more academic, occupational and literacy skills; to make individuals more competitive in the workforce and to equip them with entrepreneurial skills necessary for successful self-employment; and promote economic and social development in communities.
AoA Elders
ITCN AoA offers the delivery of home and community-based supportive services, including nutrition services to Native American and Alaska Native elders, as well as, support and resources for family and caregivers.